Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Stars in my box

Somebody said that real friends are like stars, you can't see them sometimes, but they are always up above...
It's true. I have always the same feeling when i talk to some friends, their love, their presence... they are so near, no matter the time has passed since last time we saw or talked each other, no matter how far they are, you can feel they are the same and you know you can always ask them for anything.
On the other hand, in ordinary life, you are always talking to people who don't cares of you... not even look at your eyes when talking... but you see them all the time. It's strange that you have to pass most of your lifetime close to that people... well, it's not strange, it's stupid...

Maybe friends and family are the only thing you really have in this life and no other things are really important... their warm, their eyes, their smiles... are enough to live peacefully.

Sometimes they go, and the only thing I can do then is just put their star in my box and keep it forever together with my tears.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

The road to the sea

I like going to watch the sea. I like the road that takes me there in spring. I feel so nice when i see the flowers growing on both sides of it, and i feel so calm when a sea of silver appears in the horizon...

I like staying and look at the smooth waves and the seagulls walking on the sand meanwhile the night is stealing the bright from the water. I like listening the ships going out and watching their spotlights in the night... so far away, so alone.
And most of times i'm alone too.

I like walking so early on the seashore and feel the water on my feet. I stay still on the shore and wait until the sand under my my feet goes with the quiet waves. Maybe all the people do it... but i feel i'm the only one.

I like watching the light from the lighthouse turning and turning tirelessly until first sunbeams say hello and ships return slowly and tired.

I like the road to the sea, and i'm always sad when i have to come back to the city.

One day i won't and will stay there... forever

Monday, April 04, 2005

Mirando las estrellas - Watching at the stars

Ya llegué...
Otro blog más donde colocar mis desordenados pensamientos, donde reflejar las partes más oscuras y las más brillantes de mi persona, donde recrear los recuerdos, donde dejar caer mis lágrimas... donde dibujar alguna sonrisa.

Siempre da miedo comenzar a caminar, aunque en este caso el camino se irá construyendo poco a poco. En él se cruzarán otros senderos donde gentes como yo caminan dejando trocitos de vida, experiencias y, por qué no... amigos.

He iniciado este paseo gracias a alguien que encontré en uno de esos senderos... He compartido con ella risas y largas conversaciones, y a pesar de su juventud he aprendido mucho y he recordado tiempos pretéritos donde todavía habitaba en mí la sencillez, los idealismos y las ganas de descubrir el mundo.

Gracias Sofia.

I finally arrived...

Yet another blog where i'll place my messy thoughts, my darkest shadows and my highlights, where i'll recreate my memories, where i'll leave my tears fall... where i'll picture some smiles.

It's always frightening when you have to start walking, although in this case the track will be made little by little. Other paths will come into mine with people walking as i do, leaving pieces of their lives, experiences and, why not... friends.

I have started my walk thanks to somebody who come into my life in one of these paths... I have shared laughters and long conversations, and although her youth i have learnt a lot and i've remembered past times when naturalness, idealism and wishes of discovering the world still lived in me.

Thanks Sofy