Monday, July 17, 2006

The next storm

My steps were echoing as I walked through that room.
Night was falling and i could listen the sounds of summer coming trough the window escaping from among the shadows of my beloved old tree... that one that embraced me in its branches and lent me the parfume of its flowers in spring.

The room is empty now but I'm not sad because i can remember every word they say there, every smile in every face, every evening waiting for our favorite tv show, every dish full of fresh fruits... every sound escaping from that tree, my beloved one.
All those feelings flying inside my head, around my naked body, seeping in my clothes, climbing through my skin... all of them, make me feel nice.

Maybe i can wait for another storm, I think I'll do it...
I'll leave the window opened and wait for the northern winds to bring me the breath of the rain

Thursday, May 18, 2006


I feel so lone these days. Everybody say spring is like this. Maybe it's because everything is so beautiful that i can only feel myself so little.
I miss to be embraced, squeezed, kissed... loved, but i'm so little that anybody can even see me.
I don't want to be grey among the brilliant colours of the season
I'd like to be a red poppy flowering to the sun, lightly touched by the smooth winds.
I want a blue sky every morning.
I want to wait for the first drops of the rain to fall on my face and mix with my sadness.
I want to fill my soul with love songs. I don't want to sing them alone, so alone.
I want to swim among dolphins and talk to them in their funny language.
I want to wear that dress... you know which one
I want that pink candy cotton
I want to paint a chalk heart on the blackboard
I want to dream over a mattress of lavenders
I want to sleep...

I don't want to feel like this, i wouldn't like to be so little


Tänään tunnen oloni kovin yksinäiseksi. Sanotaan ettäkevät on sellainen. Ehkä sen takia kun kaikki on niin kaunista,että voin vain tuntea itseni kovin pieneksi.Kaipaan olla syleiltynä, halattuna, suudeltuna... rakastettuna,mutta olen niin pieni ettei kukaan edes pysty näkemään minua

En halua olla harmaa vuodenajan säihkyvien värien joukossa
Haluaisin olla punainen unikko ja kukoistaa kohti aurinkoa, pehmeiden tuulien kevyesti koksettaessa minua.Haluan sinisen taivaan joka aamu
Haluan odottaa sateen ensipisaroiden valuvan kasvoillenija sekoittuvan suruuni
Haluan täyttää sieluni rakkauslauluilla.
En halua laulaa niitäyksin, niin kovin yksin.
Haluan uida delffiinien joukossa ja puhua heille heidän hauskallakielellään.
Haluan pukeutua mekkooni... tiedät kyllä mihin niistä.
Haluan vaaleanpunaisen karkkihattaran
Haluan piirtää kalkkisydämen liitutaululle
Haluan haaveilla laventelisella patjalla

Haluan nukkua...

En halua tuntea oloani tällaiseksi, en haluaisi olla niin kovin pieni

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Choosing the sun

Yesterday I found a sorrow. It was resting in that dark corner. It wasn't asleep, it was just waiting for me to come there, close to the melancholy. I gazed it and stayed for a while, a smooth candle light was lighting it up. I turned my eyes and saw the sun coming through my window... I went to the balcony and felt the fresh morning air beating my face. I took a deep breath and heard a laughter and my sorrow flied to another place.
I'll find it soon again for sure . Then I'll look for another sunbeam.

Saturday, March 11, 2006


Rakkauslaulut joita lauloit minulle
lepäävät sen talon iholla
ja kyyneleet jotka lojuvat odottaen varjojen joukossa
himmentävät päivää jona lähdit pois

Älää pelkää pahoin haavoittunutta sielua
koska ruumiini oli vääntynyt tuhansissa taisteluissa
ja ilma joka kevyesti hyväilee poskeasi
tuo tuoksuja jotka huojentavat ja taltuttavat minua

Polulla jota kävelimme niinä päivinä
ei ole muuta kuin vanhoja kiviä
ja kukat joita sieltä toit
lepäävät tänään haavaisilla käsilläni


Las canciones de amor que me cantaste
reposan en la piel de aquella casa
y las lágrimas que acechan en las sombras
oscurecen el día en que marchaste

No temas por un alma malherida
que mi cuerpo se ha fraguado en mil batallas
porque el aire que acaricia tus mejillas
trae fragancias que me alivian y me amansan

Del camino que anduvimos esos días
ya no quedan mas que piedras desgastadas
y las flores que tomaste allí prestadas
hoy reposan en mis manos doloridas


That love songs you sang for me
rest in the skin of that house
and the tears that lie in waiting for among the shadows
obscure the day you went away

Don't be afraid for a badly wounded soul
because my body was forged in thousand battles
and the air that lightly touches your cheeks
brings fragances that relieve and tame me

From the path we walked on those days
there are nothing but old stones
and the flowers you borrowed there
rest today in my sore hands

This is because of my "hermanita" Sofy... she gives me things that any other can't give. Thanks Sofia

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

I don't envy you

It touched my hair again this morning. It passed and all i felt was the sound of its wings. It stopped in its branch and stayed there, among the leaves, looking at me insolent... and i stayed there looking at it. It said "I don't envy you girl, i woke up this morning and went to fly. I don't worry about tomorrow... I don't need to"
Its red feathers dress and its small bright eyes waited for me for an instant... then it said "Bye girl, I have to fly" I saw it going and my mind went with it for a while... for my whole life... "wait, may I go with you?"
It went somewhere, to that "somewhere" i'll go one day.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005


The street started to make narrower and ended in a perfect shadow. He was there. My face moistened with the futil seeds of my sorrow. We were alone among a million people. We were alone. His eyes were looking at somewhere for someone who was not me. I was alone. I know i was. A small shadow on his shoulder told me so.
I looked there and the innocent voice of a child took me out of there.
The sound of the city threw me out of that place.
The rain started to fall again, and maybe forever.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


Sometimes i wonder where have i been...
I just lay on my bed until sunbeams comes through my window and give life to all these blue shadows that stay with me every night keeping my breath.
No sounds, just this sweet calm clutching at my mess hair
I hide my face under the warm sheets and wait, like those days when the smell of the coffe told me you were there waiting for me to wake up.
But nothing happens, and sun comes, and asks for you, and goes away... and night falls again, and i close my eyes and wait...
Sometimes i wonder where are you